Rolling Garage Doors are Perfect for Warehouse Businesses

Rolling garage door warehouseWhen you are outfitting your warehouse or loading dock with a commercial garage door, there are two primary types of garage doors to consider: sectional overhead doors and rolling overhead doors. Many businesses that depend on a door that opens and closes frequently, opt to use a rolling door, despite the higher price.

Rolling overhead doors are made up of a bunch of skinny slats that fold into each other as the door rolls up, or out of each other as it opens. These doors can be made of a variety of materials, including steel, aluminum, and acrylic.

How Rolling Doors Help Businesses

Rolling overhead garage doors offer a plethora of benefits for warehouse-based businesses:

  • High-Speeds: The primary benefit of rolling garage doors is that they can be used with openers that specialize in opening and closing at high-speeds. Sectional garage doors can also be used for high-speed openings and closings, but are more prone to wear down, over time.
  • Lightweight: Because they are made up of many smaller slats, rolling garage doors are considerably lighter than other types of commercial garage doors with lots of sectionals.
  • Low Maintenance: Even though there are more slats in a rolling garage door, the slats and their folding mechanisms don’t break as often as sectional garage doors, due to their lighter weight. Because of this, there is significantly less maintenance on a rolling garage door.
  • Durability: Rolling doors tend to cost more than a traditional sectional overhead door, at least upfront. However, these costs can be mitigated, over time, because a rolling garage door is more durable, and needs to be replaced and repaired less often.
  • Compact: Rolling garage doors are notable for rolling into a compact space, rather than taking up a large section of the ceiling. This isn’t always necessary, but warehouses that require lots of ventilation and other ceiling amenities can benefit from the minimal amount of space a rolling garage door takes up.

Call to Learn More

(801) 876-1517

If you have any questions about outfitting your business with a rolling overhead garage door, or want to know if it is the right choice for your company’s situation, then please don’t hesitate to give our team a call, today!