Garage Door Warning

Potential Dangers of Garage Doors

Garage doors are very unique in their design and functionality. It is most often the largest moving component of any home and serves the important role of protecting everything inside the garage while also allowing for easy access to and from the garage. While they are very helpful, important, and useful, they can be dangerous—especially if they are not properly maintained. Here are some of the most pressing dangers of garage doors and what you can do to prevent them.

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Mouse in Garage

Ridding Your Garage of Pests

Unfortunately, garages are an ideal place for rats, spiders, insects, and other pests to live. Creatures like those enjoy living in dark, cozy, protected areas, making garages that are filled with unattended storage items a perfect place for them to build their homes. A lot of people use their garage as a storage unit and don’t pay much attention to it unless they’re retrieving an object from inside, leaving pests free to enter and infest the garage.

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Well-Organized Garage

Helpful Tips for Organizing Your Garage

Let’s face it: everyone’s garage could use a little organization. Some definitely need more than others, but there’s no question that garages seem to be one of the hardest spaces in the house to keep tidy. Because they are wide open spaces with no definite purpose, they attract all of the random household objects that don’t seem to belong anywhere. Yard supplies, tools, cars, unused furniture, seasonal decorations, and more miscellaneous objects commonly find their homes in the garage and when all of these random items come together, things can get messy pretty fast.

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Man Squatting in Garage

4 Creative Ways to Re-Purpose Your Garage

Everybody’s garage seems to serve a different purpose. For some, it’s simply a place to store their cars, especially during the winter. For others, it serves as a place to keep everything that they couldn’t find a place for in their house. Other people have dedicated their garage to tools and yard supplies. And a lot of people’s garages are unfortunately full of unorganized junk.

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4 Reasons You Need an Insulated Garage Door

We all know that your garage is commonly the room in your home with the most uncomfortable temperature. In the summer, stepping into your garage is like stepping into a swamp. The heat and mugginess hits you right in the face. Consequently, during the winter months, if you exhale in your garage you’ll likely see a puff of white as your breath freezes in front of you. But does it need to be like this? No, it doesn’t. All you need is a bit of insulation.

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How Does Winter Effect Your Garage Door?

We aren’t quite to winter yet, but we all know that here in Utah, fall only lasts a matter of weeks. We go from warm weather to frigid and freezing temperatures fairly quickly, and within the next month, you can expect to see quite a drop in temperatures. In fact, this winter is supposed to be pretty intense and much colder than the last few winters. What does this have to do with your garage door? Winter actually has a pretty big effect on the mechanisms within your garage door.

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How Your Overhead Garage Door Works

How Does Your Garage Door Work?

Most residential garage doors are overheads, which roll up on a track and fold up in sectional pieces to get onto the ceiling, or “overhead.” Here is a quick overview on how your overhead garage door functions… Read more

Tips for Servicing Your Garage Door

Your home’s overhead garage door probably sees a lot of action throughout the year, perhaps even being opened and closed 3 or 4 times a day. Over time, that adds up to a lot of usage and strain on a mechanical system that is dependent on several different parts. For this reason, it is important to regularly give your garage door system a little bit of love, even if it’s just taking a few minutes a year to do some general maintenance. Here are some tips on you can do some self-maintenance on your garage door… Read more

Glitchy sensor

What to Do about a Malfunctioning Garage Sensor

One of the most important safety features in your garage is the motion sensor, which prevents the door from closing when it senses that something is in the way. This averts such disasters as the garage door closing on a tool box, which can cause it to get a hung cable or go off its tracks. It can also prevent damage to your car if it’s halfway through the entrance when the garage door goes down. Most importantly, it prevents injury to children, adults, and animals, who all tend to dart in and out of a garage with blatant disregard of the danger of a closing garage door. Read more

Garage doors with light windows

Natural Daylight in Your Garage

A garage doesn’t have to be a dark hole on the side of your home. Lighting is an important amenity to figure out in any garage. However, this goes beyond just adding lighting fixtures in your garage. If you really want your garage to feel like a part of your home, then you should look for ways to add natural daylight in your garage, just like you would any other room. Read more